Lectures: Otfried Guehne
Exercises: H. Chau Nguyen (email)
Time and place: 14:00-16:00 Friday, Room B030-ENC.
–Sheet 0: Elementary review of statistical mechanics-
Hand in: not required for this sheet
Discussion: 14:00-16:00 Friday, 19.10.2018
–Sheet 1: The Born-Oppenheimer approximation-
Hand in: Monday 22.10.2018
Discussion: 14:00-16:00 Friday, 26.10.2018
–Sheet 2: Viberations of molecules and crystals-
Hand in: Monday 29.10.2018
Discussion: 14:00-16:00 Friday, 02.11.2018
–Sheet 3: Density of states of phonons and heat capacity-
Hand in: Monday 05.11.2018
Discussion: 14:00-16:00 Friday, 09.11.2018
–Sheet 4: Electron in the Kronig-Penney potential-
Hand in: Monday 12.11.2018
Discussion: 14:00-16:00 Friday, 16.11.2018
–Sheet 5: Basic tight-binding approximation-
Hand in: Monday 19.11.2018
Discussion: 14:00-16:00 Friday, 23.11.2018
–Sheet 6: Effective mass, DOS and the concept of the topological phases-
Hand in: Monday 26.11.2018
Discussion: 14:00-16:00 Friday, 30.11.2018
–Sheet 7: Second quantisation and the free electron gas-
Hand in: Monday 03.12.2018
Discussion: 12:30-14:30 Friday, 07.12.2018
–Sheet 8: Elementary perturbation theory-
Hand in: Monday 10.12.2018
Discussion: 12:30-14:30 Friday, 14.12.2018
–Sheet 9: Graphene, Hubbard model-
Hand in: Monday 17.12.2018
Discussion: 12:30-14:30 Friday, 21.12.2018
–Sheet 10: Merry Christmas-
–Sheet 11: Mean-field theory, the transverse Ising model-
Hand in: Monday 14.01.2019
Discussion: 12:30-14:30 Friday, 18.01.2019
–Sheet 12: The Cooper problem-
Hand in: not applied
Discussion: not applied
- A. Altland and B. Simon, “Condensed Matter Field Theory”, Cambridge University Press 2006.
- N. Goldenfeld, “Lectures on phase transitions and the renormalisation group”, Addison-Wesley Publishing company 1992.