Exercise class WS2013: Advanced Statistical Physics

Lectures: Johannes Berg
Exercises: Simon Dettmer (email) and Chau Nguyen (email)

Time and place: 12:00-13:30 Monday, seminar room of Physics Institute II.

Sheet 1: Markov chain approaching equilibrium-

Due: 10:00 Thursday, 24 October, 2013 (Mailbox: Advanced Statistical Physics)
Discussion: 12:00-13:30 Monday, 28 October, 2013

Sheet 2: Detailed balance-

Due: 10:00 Thursday, 31 October, 2013 (Mailbox: Advanced Statistical Physics)
Discussion: 12:00-13:30 Monday, 04 November, 2013

Sheet 3: The partition function-

Errata: In question 6, beta should have been defined as beta=1/T, and *not* beta=T. I am sorry about the mistyped formula.
Due: 10:00 Thursday, 07 November, 2013 (Mailbox: Advanced Statistical Physics)
Discussion: 12:00-13:30 Monday, 11 November, 2013

Sheet 4: Transfer matrix method-

Due: 10:00 Thursday, 14 November, 2013 (Mailbox: Advanced Statistical Physics)
Discussion: 12:00-13:30 Monday, 18 November, 2013

Sheet 5: Markov chain monte-Carlo simulation of 2D-Ising model-

Template: mc-template.zip. We use the pseudo-random number generators written by Agner Fog, see here.
Due: 10:00 Thursday, 21 November, 2013 (Mailbox: Advanced Statistical Physics)
Discussion: 12:00-13:30 Monday, 25 November, 2013

Sheet 6: Curie-Weiss model-

Errata: In equation (36), N should be identified with n.
Due: 10:00 Thursday, 28 November, 2013 (Mailbox: Advanced Statistical Physics)
Discussion: 12:00-13:30 Monday, 2 December, 2013

Sheet 7: The correlation function: mean-field approximation-

Due: 10:00 Thursday, 5 December, 2013 (Mailbox: Advanced Statistical Physics)
Discussion: 12:00-13:30 Monday, 9 December, 2013

Sheet 8: Renormalisation group in real space-

Due: 10:00 Thursday, 12 December, 2013 (Mailbox: Advanced Statistical Physics)
Discussion: 12:00-13:30 Monday, 16 December, 2013

Sheet 9: More remarks on renormalisation group-

Due: 10:00 Thursday, 19 December, 2013 (Mailbox: Advanced Statistical Physics)
Discussion: 12:00-13:30 Monday, 13 January, 2014

Sheet 10: Christmas review-

Due: No hand-in required (Mailbox: Advanced Statistical Physics)
Discussion: 12:00-13:30 Monday, 13 January, 2014

Sheet 11: The Landau-Ginzburg action: the mean-field solution and fluctuations

Due: 10:00 Thursday, 16 January, 2014 (Mailbox: Advanced Statistical Physics)
Discussion: 12:00-13:30 Monday, 20 January, 2014

Sheet 12: The diagrammatic technique

Due: 10:00 Thursday, 23 January, 2014 (Mailbox: Advanced Statistical Physics)
Discussion: 12:00-13:30 Monday, 27 January, 2014

Sheet 13: The Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model

Template: mc-SK-template.zip. Due: 10:00 Thursday, 30 January, 2014 (Mailbox: Advanced Statistical Physics)
Discussion: 12:00-13:30 Monday, 3 February, 2014


*M. Kardar, „Statistical Physics of Fields“, Cambridge University Press 2007.
*G. Mussardo, „Statistical Field Theory: An Introduction to Exactly Solved Models in Statistical Physics“, Oxford University Press 2010.
*N. Goldenfeld, „Lectures on phase transitions and the renormalisation group“, Addison-Wesley Publishing company 1992.
*H. Eugene Stanley, „Introduction to Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena“, Oxford University Press 1971.
*D. Stirzaker, „Stochastic Processes and Models“, Oxford 2005.
*M. Opper and D. Saad, „Advanced Mean Field Methods“, MIT 2001.